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PJ's Happy Fall

$22.00 $66.00


PJ's in the Hoop

Hoop sizes 6” x 10” to 9.5” x 14”

This project, done totally in the 6x10 hoop, consists of 6 design files featuring front and back fabrics, dense fleece batting and heavy fusible interfacing, and, of course, lots of decorative stitching, from his leaf “wings” to his sunflower irises and 3-dimensional beak. The pieces are joined to each other in the hoop to create the final hanging measuring 12¼”x16¼”. Add bling or not, and he’s ready
to hang from the digitized eyelet on his head. He might not scare away the garden predators, but he’s sure to put a smile on the face of all who come to your door!

Please Note:   This item is a digital download, including PDF tutorial and collection design files in all machine formats; it is not available on disc.